Screenshot of The Rock Factory website.
Screenshot of The Rock Factory website.

March Update

Happy New Website Day: The Rock Factory

"Thanks to @easywebthings for re designing and updating our website! LOVE IT!"

The Rock Factory website has been around a long time, and Michelle is pretty capable with her own website, and has worked hard on SEO over the years. 

But she’s also a super busy business owner, sound engineer, and Mum, with a lot on her to-do list!

So I’m very happy to be able to help out and free up some of her time.

A bit of travel

I’ve had to unexpectedly travel a little recently, but I’m relieved to say my portable work set-up has worked well on the go.  Just a mac-book air and a cell-phone.  I do miss the full home-office set-up, but I’ll be back to it again soon!

Mosaic the Office Cat

Having a cat in charge of Social Media has been fun so far.  She seems in her element on Instagram.  

I’ve just introduced a Small Business Web Design Package. 

Next quarter, if time permits, I will look at bringing out smaller web design packages for micro-businesses and blogs.  

If you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions about our website packages I’d love to hear from you!


Technology and the internet are constantly changing, so I’m always learning new things.

I’m currently working through an SEO course, to ensure my knowledge is up to date with all the big changes occurring with Search Engines recently.

I’ve also been following googles recent changes, and it really seems like they’ve moving towards prioritising websites that are useful and helpful to people rather than severely skewed for rankings and selling ad-stuffed content.  Which honestly, as a human, sounds great!

Thanks for reading!

Take care, and give us a yell if you need anything.

– Kristie