Easy Web Things

Source Elements Academy

Case Study

Course Content

Technical concepts explained for learners with a broad range of experience and learning styles.


Learning Management System providing online courses for easier onboarding for new staff, and customer expert certification.

Site Simplifed

A new simpler website, reducing troubleshooting and maintenance costs.


"Kristie worked with our international team for two years on tight budgets and multiple time zones. She immediately proved herself a multi-talented and dedicated project manager, and website and educational services developer, who consistently demonstrates exceptional organizational skills. I have been impressed by her ability to motivate and lead teams to success, all while ensuring that projects were delivered on time and within budget.

She possesses a unique blend of technical expertise, leadership skills, and strong communication abilities that make her a valuable asset to any project team. She has a deep understanding of project management and development methodologies and has a keen eye for identifying and mitigating risks before they become issues. Additionally, she is adept at communicating project goals, timelines, and expectations to stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards the same end goal.

In my two-year experience working with Kristie, I admired her exceptional ability to lead and inspire. Her approach is collaborative and inclusive which helps to create a positive and productive work environment.
Kristie has a natural talent for identifying team members' strengths and empowering them to take ownership of their work, which results in high-quality deliverables and a sense of pride among the team. We build some impressive projects together that will have a long life.

I strongly recommend Kristie—her passion for seeing new projects through from beginning to completion, coupled with her exceptional skills and ability to inspire and motivate team members, make her an invaluable asset to any team of all sizes.
Rebekah Wilson
Source Elements CEO

More Information:

About Source Elements

Source Elements are a global company that develop remote workflow software for the audio and media industry.

Their most well-known software Source-Connect is an industry standard for remote audio. It is used behind the scenes in many movies, tv shows, adverts, and more.

Source Elements are partnered with Walt Disney, Warner Brothers, Universal, and used by many well known names around the world.

How did I help Source Elements?

Source Elements have been around since 2005, and they saw a huge influx of new users in 2022 as remote workflows became more common.

Source Elements needed to deliver online training to customers and new staff. 

My mission was the development and launch of Source Elements Academy; developing their online courses through 2021 and 2022, and a new build of the Source Elements Academy website at the end of 2022.

The result is that Source Elements have a dedicated online training site, that can be maintained in-house, and delivers training to new staff, and customers.  

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